From we bring you the very best of Scottish . . .
- 1 Scottish Boys Names
- 1.0.1 Alexander
- 1.0.2 Andrew
- 1.0.3 Angus
- 1.0.4 Arthur
- 1.0.5 Austin
- 1.0.6 Barry
- 1.0.7 Brian
- 1.0.8 Bruce
- 1.0.9 Callum
- 1.0.10 Cameron
- 1.0.11 Charles or Charlie
- 1.0.12 Christopher
- 1.0.13 Colin
- 1.0.14 Craig
- 1.0.15 Crawford
- 1.0.16 Darren
- 1.0.17 David
- 1.0.18 Denis or Dennis
- 1.0.19 Derek
- 1.0.20 Donald
- 1.0.21 Douglas
- 1.0.22 Duncan
- 1.0.23 Eoin
- 1.0.24 Finlay or Findlay
- 1.0.25 Fraser
- 1.0.26 Gavin
- 1.0.27 George
- 1.0.28 Gordon
- 1.0.29 Graham
- 1.0.30 Grant
- 1.0.31 Gregor or Gregory
- 1.0.32 Hamish
- 1.0.33 Hugh
- 1.0.34 Ian
- 1.0.35 Innes
- 1.0.36 James
- 1.0.37 Jason
- 1.0.38 Jock
- 1.0.39 John
- 1.0.40 Ken
- 1.0.41 Kenneth
- 1.0.42 Lachlan
- 1.0.43 Lyle
- 1.0.44 Malcom
- 1.0.45 Mark
- 1.0.46 Matthew
- 1.0.47 Mungo
- 1.0.48 Murdoch
- 1.0.49 Murray
- 1.0.50 Rabbie
- 1.0.51 Robert
- 1.0.52 Ramsay
- 1.0.53 Roland
- 1.0.54 Ronald
- 1.0.55 Rory
- 1.0.56 Ross
- 1.0.57 Stanley
- 1.0.58 Stephen
- 1.0.59 Strachan
- 1.0.60 Struan
- 1.0.61 Stuart
- 1.0.62 Thomas
- 1.0.63 Wallace
- 1.0.64 Walter
- 1.0.65 William
- 2 Scottish Girls Names
Scottish Boys Names

Scottish boy’s name meaning ‘defender of men’. Often shortened in everyday usage to Alex, Alec, Ally or Sandy. In the Bible it is Alexander who helps Jesus bear the cross on the journey to Calvary. Great Scots with this name include Alexander Graham Bell was the inventor of the telephone, and Alexander Fleming who discovered penicillin. In the US it is now more popular than ever – hitting the number 4 spot of most popular boys names in 2019.
Scottish boy’s name taken from a Greek and means ‘man’ or ‘warrior’. Andrew was a disciple of Jesus and of John the Baptist, who it is said was martyred by being crucified on a cross in the shape of an ‘X’. He became a saint and is patron Saint of Scotland. The Scottish Flag owes its shape to the St Andrew’s Cross.
Because of this Andrew will always be a popular name in Scotland – it is also a popular name throughout the USA, overall being the 8th most popular name in 2016. For the last 50 years it has been in the US Top 10 boys names.
Boy’s name of Scottish origin – mainly in the Highlands of Scotland. Comes from Aengus, Celtic God of Love. Angus is the anglicized form of the Scottish and Irish Gaelic name Aonghus. It is used both as a first name and surname. The name was popularised by the comic strip character which ran in the Scottish Daily Record – Angus Og. Although still fairly common in Scotland it has dropped in popularity in the rest of Britain and America.
Angus, situated on the east coast of Scotland, is an area of outstanding beauty. The rugged coastline opens into scenic glens and the fertile Valley of Strathmore.
Scottish boy’s name whose roots are believed to be Celtic. The name probably dates back as far as pre-Roman times in Britain. It is possibly derived from the Celtic ‘artos’ (bear), the Irish Gaelic ‘art’ (stone), or the Welsh term ‘arth gwyr,’ or ‘bear man.’ During the late 19th century the name Arthur was in the Top 20 names in Britain but since then has dropped in popularity.
Scottish boy’s name which has its roots in Latin Augustine meaning venerable. It has dropped in popularity in Scotland over recent years. In America it has remained in the Top 100 boys names since the 1970s.
Scottish boy’s name which is believed to originate from the town of Barry in Angus and possibly the Gaelic name for ‘Spear’. It has gradually lost popularity since Victorian times.
Comes from the Gaelic and means ‘Noble, strong, virtuous’. Has always been popular in Scotland as a boy’s name. ‘Monty Python’s The Life of Brian’ ( a 1979 comedy film about a man mistaken for the Messiah) probably did not help in the popularity ratings..Since the 1980s the name Brian has dropped out of the Top-10 and is currently only just remaining in the Top-100 boy’s names.
Scottish boy’s name with origins in France (Brus). Made popular in Scotland after Robert the Bruce. Although it remains a popular name in Scotland it is slowly going out of fashion elsewhere – in the US it is barely staying within the Top 1000 boys names.
A popular name, particularly in the Highlands of Scotland. It means ‘Dove’. Callum remains popular in the UK – it was the 13th most popular boy’s name in 2006. However in America it is rarely used.
The name is believed to be from the Gaelic ‘cam’ (crooked) and ‘srn’ (nose). Cameron is used both as a surname and a forename. Clan Cameron is a West Highland Scottish clan, with one main branch Lochiel, and numerous cadet branches such as Erracht, Clunes, Glen Nevis, and Fassifern. The Clan Cameron lands are in Lochaber and within their lands is the mountain Ben Nevis which is the highest mountain in the British Isles.[2] The chief of the clan is customarily referred to as simply ‘Lochiel’.[3]
Charles or Charlie
Scottish boy’s name coming from the Germanic equivalent of Andrew meaning ‘manly’ or ‘brave’. Popularized after Bonnie Prince Charlie. As well as being popular in Scotland the name is very common in America. In Victorian times it was in the Top 10 boys names but although losing some popularity it remains in the Top 100.
Scottish boy’s name meaning, ‘ the one who carries Christ’. The name derives from the Greek ‘christos’ (the anointed one, Christ) and ‘phero’ (I carry). Christopher is the patron saint of travellers and, according to the legend, Christopher carried the young Jesus across a river. Another famous bearer of the name is the explorer Christopher Columbus.
A Scottish boy’s name with its roots in the Gaelic word ‘whelp’ meaning ‘youth’. Colin may also have originated as a nickname for Nicholas.
From the Gaelic word Crag. A craig or a crag is a rocky hill or mountain. Ailsa Craig is an island in Scotland, in the Firth of Clyde. It was formed from the volcanic plug of an extinct volcano.
A Scottish boy’s name which is also a Lanarkshire place name. Originally thought to mean a ford where crows gather. It has lost popularity since Victorian times.
Scottish boys name of unknown origin. Also popular in Wales. The name reached a peak in popularity in the 1940’s and 1950’s but is less common now.
Scottish boys name from the Hebrew for ‘beloved’. David was king of Israel in the 10th century BC and Jesus is thought to have descended from him. In the Old Testament, several of David’s stories are told, including his defeat of Goliath.
Denis or Dennis
Scottish boy’s name originating in Greek and Latin from the name Dionysus – the God of Wine. Popular in the 1940s and 1950s it has somewhat fallen from fashion.
Scottish boy’s name thought ot originate in Dutch (Diederick) or the German Dietrich. Meaning is, ‘Ruler of the people’. It rose to fashion in the 1960s and 1970s – and still remains popular.
Scottish boy’s name which is a version of the Gaelic Domhnall meaning, ‘world mighty’. MacDonald was a large clan in Scotland and in many cases the forename may have been taken from the Surname. There are many Donald MacDonalds in Scotland. Popularity peaked in the 1910s and 1920s however, Disney’s character Donald Duck lead to it’s use becoming less fashionable.
Often shortened to Doug or Dougie. It derives from the Gaelic,’ Doug’ meaning ‘Black water’. Douglas was originally used as a girl’s name in English during the 17th and 18th centuries, but is now considered to be exclusively a boy’s name. It peaked in popularity in the 1960s but is now on the wane.
Meaning, ‘ Dark skinned warrior’. There have been two Scottish kings called Duncan. Duncan I was portrayed in Shakespeare’s play ‘Macbeth’, in which he was killed by Macbeth. The real life King Duncan followed his grandfather Malcolm as king after the latter’s death on 25 November 1034. In 1039, Duncan led a large Scots army south to besiege Durham, but the expedition ended in disaster. Duncan survived, but the following year he led an army north into Moray, traditionally seen as Macbeth’s domain. There he was killed, at Pitgaveny near Elgin, by his own men led by Macbeth, probably on 14 August 1040.
From of the name John – derived from Hebrew, ‘God is gracious’. More common in the Highlands than in Central Scotland.
Finlay or Findlay
Meaning – Fair Warrior.
Derived from the Gaelic words fionn ‘white, fair’ and laogh ‘warrior’.
Meaning of Fraser, ‘One who crosses the Loch’. Origin is unclear but possibly comes from the surname Fraser. The Clan has been strongly associated with Inverness and the surrounding area since the Clan’s founder gained lands there in the 13th century.
Meaning ‘White hawk of battle’, Gavin is also popular in Wales. It has, year on year, increased in popularity since the 1940s.
Scottish boy’s name derived from the Greek for farmer or husbandman. Despite the number of English kings bearing the name George, it has been popular in Scotland for hundreds of years. In the 1890’s it was one of the most popular names in Britain but has gradually dropped to around the 200 place.
Derived from the Gaelic for ‘Beloved’ Gordon was at height of popularity in the 1930s but has slowly lost ground.
Scottish boy’s name which is derived from the Clan Graham name and now used as a first name. Various spellings also include Graeme and Grahame. It means, ‘A scholar’.
Meaning ‘Tall’ or ‘Mighty’. A Scottish boy’s name, which despite being used since at least the early 13th Century in Scotland. Since the 1970’s it has been in the top 200 most popular British names.
Gregor or Gregory
Scottish boy’s name originating in the Greek word for watcher. Famous Gregory’s include actor Gregory Peck, and characters Gregory Goyle from the ‘Harry Potter’ – these have helped maintain the name’s popularity since the 1940s. The film Gregory’s Girl certainly helped its rise to fame in Scotland.
Scottish form of James – Meaning ‘Supplanter’ – Hamish is mainly a highland name – there are not many Glaswegians bearing the name.
Scottish boy’s name originating in the Germanic for Heart and Mind. In Glasgow a Hugh is more likely to be nicknamed Shug, Shuggie or Hughie.
Ian is a modern Scottish form of the name John. It was not used in Scotland until the late nineteenth century. Meaning, from Gaelic, ‘God is forgiving’.
Scottish boy’s name originating in the Gaelic word for island. (There are two Gaelic words for ‘island,’ innis and eilean)
Scottish boy’s name from ancient Hebrew – derived from Jacobus. James has been in the British Top-20 names for over 100 years.
Scottish boy’s name with Biblical roots – Jason means ‘Healer’ or ‘Maker of small mechanical parts’. It rose into popularity in Britain during the 1960s and has remained one of the favourite 100 names ever since.
Jock – the stereotypical Scot with ginger hair and tartan bonnet!! Short form of Jacob or John – meaning ‘God is gracious’
Scottish boy’s name from the Hebrew for God is gracious. There are many different spellings and derivatives such as Jock, Jack, Ian, Iain, Sean. The name has been in the British Top 20 names for over 100 years.
Shortened form of Kenneth
From the Gaelic – ‘Handsome and fair’, or ‘born of fire’.
The derivation ‘Born of Fire’ explains why most Scottish Kenneths are ginger haired with a fiery temper.
From the Gaelic – ‘Handsome and fair’, or ‘born of fire’.
The derivation ‘Born of Fire’ explains why most Scottish Kenneths are ginger haired with a fiery temper. There were three rulers of Scotland named Kenneth, the first, Coinneach mac Ailpein, anglicised as Kenneth MacAlpin is considered to be the first King of Scots.
From the Gaelic – meaning ‘Warrior from the Land of the Lochs’.
Scottish boy’s name which is also used as a surname. Origins are from Norman French and means’ little island’. It reached a peak in popularity in the 1920s and 1930s.
Gaelic for ‘Columba’s servant’ – or follower of St Columba. In 563 AD St.Columba set up his missionary on Iona – he died there in 597. It is therefore not surprising that Malcolm should be a popular name is Scotland. Elsewhere, it has long been in the US Top 1000 boys names and peaked at 766 in 1992.
Scottish boy’s name which is taken from the Latin form Marcus and refers to the Roman Mars (meaning God of war) .
It peaked in popularity in the 1930s and 1940s being in the Top 100 names for some years – however it’s heyday seems to be over and it is now less fashionable.
Matthew is the English form of the Hebrew name Mattityahu meaning ‘gift of God’, through the Greek Matthaios. It has been in the Top 10 boy’s names since the 1970s
Saint Mungo is the commonly used name for Saint Kentigern (also known as Cantigernus (Latin) or Cyndeyrn Garthwys (Welsh)). He was the late 6th century apostle of the Brythonic Kingdom of Strathclyde in modern Scotland, and patron saint and founder of the city of Glasgow.
The name Mungo, although not now fashionable, has been bestowed on many a poor Glaswegian boy by unthinking parents!
Derived from the Gaelic for ‘sea’. In the past young Murdoch was probably born in some Highland fishing village and destined for a life at sea. Now the name is less popular in Scotland but young Murdoch is more likely to join a folk band or become a computer programmer.
From the Gaelic for ‘land by the sea’. It was popular across Scotland for many years but is now less fashionable. A resurgence is likely should Scottish tennis star Andy Murray have a few years of success.
Scottish nickname for Robert (most famously Robert (Rabbie) Burns)
Another derivative is from the Germanic ‘Bright Fame’
Rabbie is another form of Robert
With the 250th anniversary of Robert Burn, publication of books such as ‘No’ Rabbie Burns’ there has been an increase in the interest in Burns and an increase in the popularity of Robert and Rabbie as names in Scotland.
Short form – Rabbie – Scottish nickname for Robert (most famously Robert (Rabbie) Burns)
Another derivative is from the Germanic ‘Bright Fame’
With the 250th anniversary of Robert Burn, publication of books such as ‘No’ Rabbie Burns’ there has been an increase in the interest in Burns and an increase in the popularity of Robert and Rabbie as names in Scotland.
Scottish boy’s name which was originally a place name but is often used as a first name. One of the famous person to have it as a first name was the British Prime Minister Ramsey MacDonald. The name has recently had some popularity, in part due to the Scottish chef Gordon Ramsay appearing on television so regularly.
This name originates in the Germanic and means ‘Famous country’ It reached a height of popularity in the 1930s – reaching the top 200 in Britain but has since become less fashionable.
Scottish boy’s name from the Old Norse, composed of the elements meaning ‘Advice; decision; the gods’ and ‘ruler’. In the US it reached the top 10 most popular names in the 1920s and 1930s – it is now less popular than then. It is hard to say whether Ronald Reagan, President of the United States, will have made then name more or less popular.
Scottish boy’s name which originates in Gaelic and means ‘red king’ . Seems a good choice for a red headed Scots boy.
From Gaelic meaning ‘Bluff or Cliff’ Ross is a region of north Scotland. The name Ross has been popular in Scotland for decades and has been in the Top 100 names on many years.
Scottish boy’s name which is probably much more common in England. Original meaning ‘ Meadow that is stony’ or ‘Stony Meadow’ Stanley reached the Top 100 names in the 1940s – in Scotland it’s popularity was helped by comedian Stanley Baxter. However, in recent years it has gone out of fashion.
Scottish boys name which originates in the Greek for ‘crown’ or ‘garland’ (as in victors crown). Can also be spelled Steven and is often shortened to Steve or Stevie.
St Stephen was the first Christian martyr, his stoning is depicted in the New Testament book of Acts. St Stephen’s Day is 26 December. In the decades 1930 to 1990 Stephen was consistently in the Top 100 British names but of late it has lost ground.
Scottish Celtic boys name which derives from Gaelic and means ‘poet’ or ‘someone who like to wear the colour pink’. There is a small village called Strachan in Aberdeenshire. The name was more common in Victorian times than now.
One of the more unusual Scottish boy’s names. It probably originates from either a place name or an old clan name. There is a small village called Struan in the Scottish Highlands.
A Scottish boy’s name which can also be spelled Stewart. Originally it meant ‘guardian of the house, or ‘steward’ or ‘chief’. The name is steeped in history as the clan name of the last Royal household in Scotland. In the US it reached a peak of 182nd in the Top 1000 names in the 1940s – 1950s. It remains a popular choice for baby boys in Scotland.
The House of Stuart, also known as the House of Stewart, is an important European royal house. Founded by Robert II of Scotland, the Stewarts first became monarchs of the Kingdom of Scotland during the late 14th century. Their direct ancestors (from Brittany) had held the title High Steward of Scotland since the 12th century, after arriving by route of Norman England. The dynasty inherited further territory by the 17th century which covered the entire British Isles, including the Kingdom of England and Kingdom of Ireland, also upholding a claim to the Kingdom of France.
Scottish boy’s name originating in the Bible. Origins are believed to be in an Aramaic word meaning ‘twin’. In Scotland Thomas is very often shortened to Tom or Tommy. In Glasgow the name will often be mutated to Tam. In America the name ranked in the Top Ten for many decades around the turn of the 19th Century and in Britain it has often been in the Top 10 boys names in recent years. However, possibly due to its religious background it is slowly losing popularity.
Scottish boy’s name which is much more common as a surname. It derives from the French word for Foreigner.. Most famous usage of course being the Scottish patriot William Wallace Outside of Scotland the name is also popular – in America it has been in the Top 1000 for over 100 years though it has gradually dropped from its place in the Top 100 that it achieved during Victorian times.
From the combination of the Germanic elements ‘rule’ and ‘army’.
Famous Walters include Scottish author Sir Walter Scott and Walter Stewart, 6th High Steward of Scotland. Walter has seen a constant decline in popularity over the last 100 years. At one time it was in the Top 20 names in the US – it is now only just in the Top 1000.
Scottish boy’s name from old Germanic meaning ‘will and protection’ The name is frequently shortened to Willie and mutated to Bill or Billy. In America the name remains in the Top 20 but has hit the number 2 spot on several occasions in Victorian times. Of course in Scotland part of the popularity is because of the connection to William Wallace.
Sir William Wallace (Medieval Gaelic: Uilliam Uallas; modern Scottish Gaelic: Uilleam Uallas; 1272 – 23 August 1305) was a Scottish knight and landowner who is known for leading a resistance during the Wars of Scottish Independence and is today remembered in Scotland as a patriot and national hero.
Scottish Girls Names