Submitted by Owen McCafferty on Thu, 2009-12-17
Non-Members and Visitors Welcome. Visiting bowlers are welcome to test their skills at Riverside Bowling Club, one of the newest sports facilities to be established in Carrbridge. The six-rink green is located near the sports field and children’s playground and is adjacent to the village’s central car-park.
Club Sessions: Sundays – 2:30pm to 4:30pm Mondays – 2pm to 4pm Wednesdays – 7pm to 9pm
(from August, evening play is from 6:30pm)
To play outwith the above times a key for the club is required and available at the Spar Shop in the village. The bowling green and clubhouse are located off the Public Car Park, adjacent to the Primary School.
Visitor Fees £2 per session.
Flat smooth soled footwear required. Overshoes available for hire at the clubhouse.
Contact: Riverside Bowling Club – Carrbridge Marie Anderson Pavilion Carrbridge Telephone +44 (0)1479 841 620
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